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221 MacArthur Avenue ♦ Sayreville, NJ 08872-1041 ♦ 732-254-5819
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Middle School Homework
Sixth Grade Homework
Seventh Grade Homework
Eighth Grade Homework

Seventh Grade Homework


Seventh Grade

Mrs. Foret 

Homework, 2.13.25


All work must be shown for homework to be counted. MP3 IXL is due on 3.14.

Religion: St. Peter's Project Respect begins on 2.20. A letter will be going home with more details. A grade will be given at the end of the program that will be counted as a test grade in Religion. This grade is based largely on turning in weekly homework assignments. Please reach out if you have questions.

Upcoming Tests: 


Mrs. Pagnotta




Adv. Math

Cover new textbooks in contact paper

Mrs. Taylor


-Lesson 1 and 2 quiz 2/12


Language Arts

Homework 2.10

Read Chapters 10-12

Upcoming Test:

Grammar, Chapter 9 Test - Thursday 2.13.25



Seventh Grade Announcements

Upcoming Dates



Saint Stanislaus Kostka School
221 MacArthur Avenue ♦ Sayreville, NJ 08872-1041 ♦ 732-254-5819